Premise: With the help of a stranger, woman with magical powers fights her was out of a laboratory.

Design Principle: Tell the story from the POV of the main character but  a supporting character, and at force the main character and narrator to examine themselves.

Basic Action: Woman’s desire to escape.

Story Problems and Challenges:

  • few talking characters (around 2-3), so the characters that are going to be there will need to be good
  • everything hinges on the narrator’s delivery

Best Character(s): Subject XII, the woman described in the premise

Moral Choice:

  • join her mother, help set her free, and join her crusade against the people that imprisoned them; or stand against her and prevent her insanity from claiming more lives

Character Change:

  • Weakness(es):
    • believes that her magic a tool to get what she wants
    • distrust of people
  • Changed person:
    • power must be used responsibly
    • partially overcomes her fear of people

Written by Aidan Bauer

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