1) Weakness:
Calvin does not know what his happening to him or why its happening to him.
Calvin needs answers to whats happening to him and what happens when the updates reaches 100%
2 )Desire:
He wants it all to go away, to live his life like everyone else. For the update to go away and never come back.
3) Opponent:
A woman (Heather) who see what he’s sees. Is young and attractive like him and wants to take advantage of the changes that come with the update. To use the new abilities to better herself not society. Thinks Calvin can be better with her than his current girlfriend, see the current girlfriend as Calvins’ biggest weakness
4) Plan:
With the help of Heather find out who did this to them. To stop the update and take away everything that has happened thus far.
5) Battle:
Calvin chooses the good nature in his current girlfriend over the power of Heather. Heather seeks revenge on his girlfriend and looks to destroy them both. Calvin must defeat her to continue on with his plan to get answers and stop the update.
6) Self-Revelation:
Heather was trying to turn him against the ones he loved and destroy memory of himself before the update. The update only changes the way he thinks and sees the world not who he is
7) New Equilibrium:
Calvin is happy with the man he has become and is alright with the update. Although the update changes many things about him it cannot change who he his or the things he does.
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