Here is my project that I made inside the game called (Runescape) using java as the coding base. The screencast is a video of me going through quest and talking to each NPC. WATCH IN 1080p A quick rundown of the story line. Richard thinks that his brother is in trouble. Investigates town and finds… Read more »
So the roads this winter in Maine seemed particularly. I was driving back from Machias on RT 9 and I noticed my car was taking the roads a bit more freely than usual and I thought maybe it could be black ice but it was so warm out. Weird indeed. Well a couple signs stood… Read more »
I remember when I was a kid we used to have chickens. Now most of them were very layed back if not people friendly but I tell you what the roosters for the most part where not nice animals. Very territorial, pecking and chasing you whenever you got too close. Even though they were jerks… Read more »
The memory that first comes to mind is a recent one actually. Last fall I got invited to a biking trip down in Acadia National Park. It was really my first time around that area and I was just blown away. Maine’s beauty at it’s finest, Beautiful lush trees and mountains coupled with a gentle… Read more »
Here is the link to my portfolio:
Here is a link to my final Story. Slate Story
Chapter 1 January 1, 2022 New years Eve was a Friday this year but I could use the money so I worked anyways. I clocked out of the office around 6:00 and went home to get ready. Everyone was going out tonight, my girlfriend Jennifer, my best friend Peter and his girlfriend Emily, a bunch… Read more »
Anyone can now view all of the work I have completed in this class on my personal portfolio website! Visit, then click more, and then click on NMD 443 Upon going to the NMD 443 page you will find an accordion like slider with all of my work! Enjoy! Not completely final depending on when you’re looking at this but the story is finished.
This is the latest version of my project: Download: EZQ-245 Choose Your Adventure Online:
1. Weakness and Need -Lennie’s weakness is her overwhelming need to escape boredom, and her fear of trying new things -She needs to overcome her fears of standing out in order to come out of her shell and truly experience the adventure she embarks on. 2. Desire -Lennie desires new experiences and new ways to… Read more »
Here’s a gallery of the completed page background illustrations, each one is a spread (two pages). Next I need to add the text to the pages.
Here’s the first draft of the story: Note- it’s more of a rough outline of the beginning, I intend to add more detail My name is Lennie. But when i do something bad mom calls me Eleanor. In the fall I’m going to be a 5th grader for now i’m stuck in summer _________________________________________ I… Read more »
Here’s A example page from my book. Here you see Lennie overcome with boredom, right before she drifts into her day dream. The images I’m using for my book a all a combination of manipulated, edited and stylized photos from either flickr or google images. This is what has been done so far.
“Do you see that? Do you hear that? Do you smell that” You give me life in a bowl each day. You give me a roof and a place to stay. I get treats when I treats when I do as you say. You give me toys to keep my mind at bay, sometimes you… Read more »
Past New Media Capstone Posters Hanging in Chadbourne at the University of Maine in Orono 2013 & 2014
UVA Drone Takes the IMRC Jesse Hinman suggests playing Grammatik
Growing up in Canada near the US Border allowed me to live two types of lives, my city life, and my wilderness life. As a child I spent the majority of my life in Canada deep in the woods at our camp as my father was a logger traveling back and forth throughout the country…. Read more »
The sun slowly began to rise over the horizon as the morning began to set in. There is always that initial terrible feeling one gets when you party the night away until mother nature bring back the light and ends the party. It was nearly 6:30 AM at this point and it began to get… Read more »
Here’s a basic fire place in isodora.
Basically it tell the beginning of the story, I hope to put flashing images as well as sound so hopefully there’s more to come.
The Lunette Christina By Caitlin Trafton Mr. Smith laid back on a twisted lobster trap; he felt no pain, only adrenaline. He looked around, from the floor, this was no place for a Captain. He tried to rise and all but his legs were fierce to stand. Audrey, his Stern-Girl ran from the controls and… Read more »
“You can’t take it all with you” That’s what my grandfather always used to say. He would say it when we would work to much or fret over the small things; over the material things. He was right, in the end it’s just you and you can’t take it all with you. He passed away… Read more »
Calvin is your run of the mill 9 to 5er. He does the same thing week in and week out, goes to the same bars sees the same people and lives the mundane life. That was until be woke up on New Years 2022. Now his life is changing fast than he can keep up… Read more »
Select the link to the right with your name–this will pull up all the work you have posted this semester. We have 13 projects. You may drop 1 of them for no loss of credit (this can’t be your personal project). If you have done 13, you will get extra credit. Completing ALL the work will… Read more »
This is the story that I changed to, it’s about a detective who has a strange cruse after a strange run in as a kid. Without spoiling the story i’ll just say that he’s someone who solved a case and unintentionally became famous but is just starting a career as a detective. Make… Read more »