The forgotten.
Houses that have been left to rot, different situations that caused this to happen. I’ve seen plenty in my life time and it never ceases to sadden me. People used to live there, happy families living out their lives until a unforeseen financial situation causes them to forget about what they once had. To leave the home and allow it to break apart as nature reclaims it. The roof collapses, the windows break and it’s obvious now that the happiness that once existed in that home is now gone. Every time I look inside a broken down home and see what’s inside I see everything siting around just left behind. Just waiting for someone to come back but they never come. Pictures and other items that signify life just sit there forgotten even though they are still useful. Everything left in it’s place from the last time anyone was there but no one will every come again and no one will come there ever again to use whats been left. There’s not discrimination with price of value, nothing can escape this abandonment and will soon suffer the same fate. The only fate that awaits everything in these houses is disintegration then destruction as it’s hauled away to a landfill never to be used again.
A house exists like this next door to my grandmothers camp at Long lake, it gives me that feeling, it’s like every time I look at it there’s a story that it tells me. The story of how it got in that condition a sad story of misfortunes but even though the owners forgot about it I will never. It’s story will never be lost even though it’s been abandoned.

Great premise and photo. I’d like you to speculate on the actual story behind the next door house’s abandonment. what happened to the family? what tragedy? what scandal? what loss? how does such an abandonment take place? how doe s the abandonment of the house signal the breakup of the family? details!!!
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