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Zone Zero Joe McDonald

I remember when I was a kid we used to have chickens. Now most of them were very layed back if not people friendly but I tell you what the roosters for the most part where not nice animals. Very territorial, pecking and chasing you whenever you got too close. Even though they were jerks… Read more »

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“You can’t take it all with you” That’s what my grandfather always used to say. He would say it when we would work to much or fret over the small things; over the material things. He was right, in the end it’s just you and you can’t take it all with you. He passed away… Read more »

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Have you ever gotten that feeling before? The feeling as though the end is near. Not for me, but for the surrounding people around you? The people that you love. The people that you care about. Everyone that means something to you. But don’t get me wrong I’m not talking about death. I’m talking about… Read more »

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Zone Zero – Ben Welton

There’s not many kinds of news one can hear that can completely set you back. Back to place you’ve never once thought of was even possible or can stomach the emotion it hits you with. The type of news that just leaves you with the question: why me? over and over again. It’s occurrences like… Read more »

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Zone_Zero_Shannon Meserve

  People often say  that they would like to “just disappear”; to vanish and not have to feel, or have to participate in the everyday cruelties life can offer. But, as it often goes, this feeling passes as quickly as it took to speak the words themselves. What people rarely understand is that it is… Read more »

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ZoneZero KyleFowlie

  Alex Corvich, 20 years old at the time, discusses his escape into the Alaskan wilderness.   It was cold, but I didn’t care. The rawness of nature was liberating, it was freedom! I remember how it tasted, how it felt that first night completely alone. I stood on a tall hill, looking south towards the ocean but… Read more »

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These shot stories capture the reader and bring out emotions that can really connect to the reader People may relate to these situations but it makes you feel for these people from one short story.   It’s like emerging from a prison without anything to go on, even though I’ve never been to prison I… Read more »

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Zone Zero_AidanBauer

Once, there was nothing; we can’t even say “a long time ago”, because there was no time. Then there was something, all at once and in one area, expanding rapidly outwards. Then, after something had cooled enough, it gravitated together with more something until it formed a star. In the star, something got heavier and… Read more »