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Cowbird Story Joe McDonald

So the roads this winter in Maine seemed particularly. I was driving back from Machias on RT 9 and I noticed my car was taking the roads a bit more freely than usual and I thought maybe it could be black ice but it was so warm out. Weird indeed. Well a couple signs stood… Read more »

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Growing up in Canada near the US Border allowed me to live two types of lives, my city life, and my wilderness life. As a child I spent the majority of my life in Canada deep in the woods at our camp as my father was a logger traveling back and forth throughout the country…. Read more »

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“Family time” has fluctuated with importance throughout the years. But my mother insisted. At least one hike a year, all four of us, that was the rule. When my brother and I were little we didn’t think much of it. We were just glad to get out of the house and to be going for… Read more »

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The forgotten. Houses that have been left to rot, different situations that caused this to happen. I’ve seen plenty in my life time and it never ceases to sadden me. People used to live there, happy families living out their lives until a unforeseen financial situation causes them to forget about what they once had…. Read more »

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Cowbird Story – Ben Welton

Tell a story about a time you got yourself out of a sticky situation. We were all 16 at the time, out in Bermuda for a vacation. At this age we were trying to pull away from our parents as much as possible. But to be honest we were stupid, and needed the guidance. We… Read more »

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These are not places I have been. Nor are they places I am going. I did not place these pins. What they are, perhaps, is a representation of places I’ve once considered living. Both far and wide. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to do this parlor trick, where I can see myself anywhere in… Read more »

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It was mid afternoon on a perfect summer day.  I remember the weather was exemplary. I recall the blue skies and bright sun particularly, because nothing tragic should ever happen on a day as beautiful as this one was. I was about twelve and was reading a book on my porch. I remember it being… Read more »

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Cowbird Benjamin Woodbrey

When I was young, I remember the old tree my sister and I use to climb everyday. We even brought up pieces of wood and made a makeshift little tree house. It wasn’t really anything special but it was a place that my sister and I could go and be kids. One day I went… Read more »

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Cowbird Story_aidanbauer

Pick: Mad Men As I remember it, the day started out on a great note. It went something like this: Wake up. Look at the clock. Swear profusely. Dress faster than I’ve ever dressed in my life. Grab my keys and wallet and run out out the door to rush to a doctor’s appointment that… Read more »

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Cowbird Story_KyleFowlie

Don’t Smush the Ants   As a kid I liked to wage war on tiny insects. I went out of my way to step on the miniature homes of ant-families. I used a magnifying glass to toast them, or water to drown them. But my father didn’t like it. “Don’t smush the ants.” he would say,… Read more »

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    Pick: Truth or Dare. Dare? I Dare you to tell the Truth, Start Over, Redo. You just read a haiku story by Caitlin Trafton… In response to a geezlouise on Truth… …from

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CowBird McKeon

BEER   What makes a house a home? It’s not the size or whats inside. It’s the memories that bring the real surprise. That make you laugh That make you cry That make your feelings feel alive Its not a place you know at first But find after years of work A place you never… Read more »