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One Scene – Ben Welton

Isadora is a very unique program that creates visually stunning pieces that are rather easy to work around. The user interface is carefully crafted to make both creative improvisation and fine-tuning a breeze. As the story opens we are in the Maine woods hunting for deer. I feel like this where we can use the app… Read more »

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One Scene

The one scene that stuck out to me the most because I didn’t really understand it much until they actually mentioned shrinking the animals. As I was listening to this play I could easily picture the environment for every part of this, with the snow falling, the fire, the animals running around. I pictured them… Read more »

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Joe McDonald-One Scene

Act 1, Scene 2 definitely stood out to me. with the music and the voice of  Earth Mother I think this would be a good point to utilize Isadora. Showing some videos in sequence to convey imagery and even showing the text at times such as the first line “I am Earth Mother” Lines that… Read more »

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Shannon Meserve One Scene

Isadora can help us transform all of the magical/story telling scenes into visually beautiful sequences.  One example in the story would be when Earth Mother begins to tell the story to the girls, lights could dim and the fire could blaze slightly and ashes could violently swirl around above her to signify that the scene is… Read more »

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Aidan Bauer One Scene

I thought the scene where Gluskape fights the Giant Snape in the boat could be a great opportunity to use Isadora simply because there are so many possible uses for it in this scene. A water texture/animation could be projected onto the surface of the stage to give the illusion of water and motion. The… Read more »

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Caitlin Trafton One Scene

I see Isadora being useful for the “Glooskape Chronicles” Mainly, I see Turtle Island. The Hospital Scene: EKG of Hazel’s heart rate. Projections that also work for me… Snow falling and Footprints. Clothes to show Character Changes Smoke from Chimney     I agree with… *Kyle’s suggestion to project Glooskape’s Arrows *Ben Woodbrey’s suggestion to… Read more »

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One Scene McKeon

Isadora is a very powerful program that could benefit many productions. In this production a scene that i could see benefitting from its use is the scene with the snake being killed. The snake is not a huge roll in the play and therefore I dont think it really needs an actor, maybe just a… Read more »

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Ben Woodbrey One Scene

I think that isadora would be very handy for the scene when they are talking to the warden. If we could use it to project a camp site around them, like a tent, campfire and bushes, then that cuts down on props that need to be moved. Or even if we just had block shapes… Read more »

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Zach Marvin One Scene

I think Isadora could be helpful right from the get go to start setting the scenery. In the opening scene, we are supposedly in the snowy woods of Maine, hunting for deer. I see this as an opportunity to project the snow, as well as any gunshots perhaps, in the background to give it some… Read more »

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Kyle Fowlie One Scene

Isadora could be beneficial during the scene where Glooskape fights The Giant Serpant. As Glooskape is rowing down the river, we could project small waves at its base. During the fight scene, if The Giant Serpent was projected behind Glooskape, our hero could aim his bow towards the projected wall. Then, when he fires an arrow, the… Read more »