Premise: The fear of dieing without finding a purpose or without making the best of life can cause Mason to do something he will regret and as the fear of death disappears regret sets in.
Wish List and Premise List:
The Limited amount of life
The older brother who become the leader of a cult
Possibilities: The emotions of distress and fear of death.
Story Challenges and Problems: Displaying just the older brothers side of the story even though this is a minor part of the story and this must explain this portion of the story without ruining the main story while also conveying what needs to be.
Designing Principle: Using the original concept for the story it will effect the main character in a different way. The world is dieing and is in chaos, causing people to become desprit for a purpose that may change the fate of the world.
Best Character: This is Mason’s story, the older brother of Kai, so in this story Kai is technically the hero who develops from a boy is hates life into someone who ends up saving the world. Mason has an important emotional role because he is Kai’s family and with how his family treated him seeing Mason changed and now sees the world in a different way helps the story along and gave Kai an emotional boost.
Basic Action: The protagonist in this story isn’t the hero because of his own mistakes and flaws but in the end he helps the story move along. Because he’s doesn’t have long to live he makes the mistake of taking something from a man who offered him a longer life but at a price. This kept him alive but he needed to take lives from innocent people so he became a villain who wasn’t truly invested in his work, in fact he regretting that decision.
Character Change: The realization that he was an idiot for caring so much about life and wanting to do something important with what he had. He was blind and couldn’t see that the man who offered him a longer life was using him. His feelings and desprit actions to keep himself alive was his weakness. He didn’t care what he had to do at the moment to stay alive and thought he was saving the earth. He become obsessed with staying alive and doing something important and once he’s living forever and thinks he’s doing something for the earth he slowly realizes everything was a lie. The long life he lived started to feel old and useless and started to wonder if what he was doing was really helping. Once he got tired of live because he did everything he wanted to do he became bored and started to question. Once he learned the truth he also learned how powerless he was and all he could do was play the part he was given until something changed.
Moral Choice: Once Mason realizes what he’s been doing isn’t helping save the world he tires to stop it but in the end he could do nothing. Once hears his younger brother has been causing trouble for his cult of life suckers, known as leeches, he has to make a choice. He finds a way to stop what is going on, to have everything that was built up crumble down. He rejoiced but the only way for this cult to actually fall was for him to die. He could tell his brother everything but what would that do but make his little brother show compassion for him. In order for chaos to ensue he must make his little brother kill him. With that he decided to make him angry for the greater good, once the leader of the leeches fall his younger bother will be one step closer to taking down the man who started everything.
Audience Appeal: I can’t say that this will appeal to a lot of people at the moment because this is only part of the story. I do think that the emotional effect may work because having a limit on your life is an emotional thing. Even though this is a fictional world the emotions are real and with everything put together this may turn into a great story.
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