Turning Point
It is all about a decision that I made 3 years ago. I didn’t do well in my AL exam (a public examination in the last year of high school in Hong Kong) so I ended up not getting any offer from my desired Universities in Hong Kong. My family and I were so depressed about my result cause it’s totally out of our expectation. At that time I could feel myself like an empty shell without goals and living purposes, I was complete lost as if I was standing in the middle of a cross street, I even had once thought of ending my life. But then, my best friend, who I’m very blessed to have him, told me that higher education wasn’t the ONLY path to success, “A loss means you will gain something else.” I always remember this line that he said to me. Soon I decided to study in a community college with a Visual Design major instead of BA. During the two years study in that place I met a group of passionate and inspiring people/friends/crew and I found what I truly passionate about and what I wanted to achieve in my future. By chance, this program has also led me to make up my mind about studying abroad, seeing overseas creativity and now I’m here.