
A turning point in my life was the beginning of my third year at UMaine. College is the perfect time to really discover who you are, find friends, and to learn what most interests you. My first two years of college I had friends and did have fun sometimes, but inside I felt really lonely and never really talked to anyone about it. The beginning of my third year at UMaine, I started to get more involved with Cru, a Christian group on campus. I had been to the group before, but never really invested my time into it enough. I started to take my faith more seriously and read my bible on a daily basis. I hung out with the people in Cru more and started to become friends with some of them. I started being more vulnerable with people and opening up about who I really am and how I feel. I learned that no one is perfect and its okay I’ve made mistakes. I am thankful for the community and fellowship I have found with this group of people. This year I have been part of the leadership team and am very involved with the group. I think back today on how much I’ve changed in the past year in a half and I will never forget the moment I decided to really pursue my relationship with God.

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