Maine Lake

Test Format

Select your format for your project and try an experiment with that format. If you will be using iBooks Author, for example, you might try your scene in that format, add images, experiment with the design, themes and layout. If you are doing a video, then you should have a storyboard in your “Story Scene” assignment,  and then can use that as a basis for a video test of a single scene.

This is a test of your story format using a small chunk of your story.

Turn in this project on a thumb drive with your name on it (I will return it next class). Or if you need a different vehicle, let me know.

You can then take a snapshot, a video, or even the text and submit it to the class blog using the category “Test Format”. This will enable others to see and comment on your effort.

You can include any issues you encountered that will need to be resolved. Keep a list of these to refer to as you progress.