Story Scene – What The Hell Carl?!

Gina: What the hell Carl?!

Carl: What? What are you talking about?

Gina: In whose f***ed up code of ethics does it tell you that it’s okay to just kill your friends?!!?!?

Carl: I don’t know Gina! I dont even know what you are talking about!

Gina: You killed john!

Carl: No I didn’t! What makes you think John is even dead?

Gina: John’s not dead?

Carl: No!

Gina: I don’t know why I thought he was dead…I just remember getting back from my last trip in the [time machine] and like I, I, I don’t know, I just like knew he was dead.

Carl: So what? You went to the future and saw me kill John?

Gina: No, not at all. Honestly I went back to the 60’s and uhh…watched JFK and Marilyn doin…you know…

Carl: Gina! That is not what it’s meant for this is a gift and a tool, not a toy.

Gina: Yeah I know! But that doesn’t change the fact that I went BACK in time, and somehow knew you had killed John.

Carl: And neither of us were there?

Gina: NO! Thats what I’ve been trying to tell you! I dont know when or why you kill him, but I know you do.

Carl:We need to find John.

One thought on “Story Scene – What The Hell Carl?!”

  1. Yeah, no need for tons of explanation about time machine–just assume time travel in this world, give subtle clues as you go aout why it makes sense , but just ASSUME it.

    This scene begins with mystery–goo. And it creates tension bet main characters–also good. So now I’m hooked. I suspect this mystery will lead to the core mystery of the story

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