Since my story is going to be based off of interviews with Caroline I don’t have a traditional “story scene” to share. But here are some questions I plan on asking her about her experience working with CWS and her time spent in Africa.
Maine Girl Takes on Clean Water Services in Africa
Below are a few questions I plan on asking her to start the interviews:
Q: Name, hometown, family life, growing up etc.
Q: Where did this all begin? Why? Did something happen?
Q: What do you think the overall issue is?
Q: What were some of your first steps and actions to in getting involved with this topic?
Q: Did you start out with any goals in mind?
Q: How do you think other people can get involved? How did you promote other people to help you in getting involved?
Q: Does your interest in CWS involve any other part of your life? Your major? Do you see a future in this issue?
Of course these are all jumping off points for topic discussions. Caroline and I have a close relationship so I am not worried about her feeling uncomfortable, I have a feeling the second I ask her a question the interview will easily take off from there. I chose to write a story about Caroline and her experience with CWS because I love to read about real world problems and positive outcomes and solutions so I wanted to also write something I was passionate about. My overall goal is to create a final movie, including images of Caroline and her trip to Africa, voiceover audio from our interviews and some text to carry the viewer through.
OK, but I’d like to see you add or redo this with a story of a moment/scene you get from caroline–so interview soon! This could be a simple anecdote she tells you. Go after the elements that make it a story–and remember that the core of the story is HER life, not Africa…how SHE develops given this challenge…