Story proposal_Kristen Douglass

I am having trouble picking a specific “topic” for my story this semester. I learned a lot from taking NMD 343, such as what to do and what not to do with a story… so that experience is definitely making an impact in this decision. After talking with my group I started to think about stories that I enjoy hearing and reading and a lot of them come from websites like UpWorthy and BuzzFeed. Although a lot of stories on these sites can be ridiculous, they are very entertaining and I end up learning a lot from them. Many of the story “formats” I have found on those sites are, journal articles, video clips and some text, all video, photographs and text and some are told simply by photographs.

I do know that I definitely want to incorporate photography into my story, whether it has to do with photojournalism, stills, photography and audio, or video.

Originally I wanted to do a video about my lifelong experience with Sugarloaf and the family values and memories it has brought into my life. I have video from when I was younger skiing there as well as pictures I could add to the story to show some history as well as much current footage. The only thing holding me back from doing this is the fact that I don’t want to do a story about myself…



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