Ideas for Main project
1.) Continue my story from NMD 343 about the girl getting lost in the market. I would add more details to the story and add another big event.
2.) Travel story ideas
Main Idea: Young girl wants to travel the world to find herself. She starts her journey off in Paris. She doesn’t know anyone and she doesn’t have anywhere to stay.
Possible outcomes for a potential story
-looking to lost family
-looking to find lost sister
-possibly a runaway (issue with mother)
-following band without any money (met the artist when she was a child)
-following graffiti arist by his work through Europe
-runs into him at the first city
-he leaves after the police find them tagging a building
– she’s let go but becomes obsessed with finding her first friend in Europe
-the tag could be an animal such as a rabbit, or possibly he tags specific murals that have a similar theme (similar to the concept of OBEY’s streetart).
-she devises her own grafiti style and posts these in cities she thinks he will go to
– The boy begins to notice these paintings of himself appear in cities and begins to communicate to her through his art
-She finds herself in Europe by becoming an artist that inspires those she meets with the story of her interest in the artist who made her, and her progression as an artist through her search for him.
3.) Girl is going on a cruise with her family but gets on the wrong ship and ends up on a large ship that is going to Europe.
-She spends weeks on a boat to Europe then eventually decides to jump off the boat and sail on a small boat.
-She jumps off the ship when she sees an island and brings the small paddle boat with her that she found on the ship
-She escapes large ship, survives on her own in a small paddle boat and travels the world