Google Earth Stories


Google Earth can tell the story of Earth’s green spaces by charting  deforestation patterns.


New map Shows the Effects of a Decade of Deforestation


A Boy’s 27-yr Journey Home

“In 1986, a five-year-old boy named Saroo Munshi Khan accidentally fell asleep on a stationary train in India. He woke up hours later, alone and in an unfamiliar place. This fateful train ride ripped Saroo away from his home and family. For more than a quarter century, he searched for them before finding his way back home with the help of  Google Earth.”

Long Way Home

Polar Bears in the Wild

“In Inuit poetry, the polar bear is known as Pihoqahiak, the ever-wandering one. Some of the most majestic and elusive creatures in the world, polar bears travel hundreds of miles every year, wandering the tundra and Arctic sea ice in search of food and mates. Today, with the help of Street View, we’re celebratingInternational Polar Bear Day by sharing an intimate look at polar bears in their natural habitat.”

Polar Bears in the Wild

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