One thought on “Full Story Draft: Josh & Andrew”

  1. Your prezi is clear and visually appealing, and title interesting.

    I’m concerned that I haven’t yet seen any animations or visuals directly related to your audio, and thus there’s no way to give you an evaluation before I see the final product.

    Leaving this development puts you at risk of having little time to revise, tweak, or make any needed changes.

    Can you send any version of this to me (i.e. post something on class blog & send me the link) by the end of the weekend or monday? Have you got any visuals done besides the original robot and the new blue crystals? Are the visuals and music coming together?

    Also what fomat will your final piece be in? HTML5 supports mp3 and a few others. See HTML5 Audio on W3schools and also Mozilla’s info.

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