Best tips for how to/ where to gather materials for our stories
Digital Journals
-can add multiple types of media, instead of just talking about a song, allow access to it right there.
-some can store data from all of your social media sites.
-allows for more drawing tools in one place, such as bigger strokes and multiple colors.
-organized … Continue Reading ››
I have kept a diary since middle school, but I have only recently worked to keep a journal. It has been interesting to read all the different articles and learn the best ways to journal. I write random things in different spots right now. I have a written journal, I use the notes app on … Continue Reading ››
One thing that I wanted to do a little research on was what the difference is between a Journal and a Diary. From what I found, a diary is a little less personal. This surprised me a bit, however it makes sense to me know that I think about it. A diary is a list … Continue Reading ››
Notes from creative writing article
Why keep a journal:
Preserve memories.
-We are constantly losing pieces of our own lives, pieces of ourselves. A journal is a way of keeping them.
Improve your writing.
-Writing regularly makes writing easier, and it helps you develop your own writing voice. Even if your journal is just for yourself and it doesn't matter … Continue Reading ››
Journal/Diary Apps1.) Day One
Day One is the rare app that lives up to its hype. The award-winning app’s simplicity and elegance has made it the standard to which all other journal apps are compared. Day One’s best feature may be that it’s so easy and pleasant to use that you actually want to use it. … Continue Reading ››
For my journal during the semester, I will be trying out an app called Flava, which is free for Android and most likely Apple as well. It seems like a really good way to easily add photos, videos, tags, and places to my journal entries. I will definitely have to explore it a little more, … Continue Reading ››
I hate feeling like a cantankerous old man, but I'm nearing my 50's and technology has grown greater than I could have imagined. Nowadays every kid wants to be connected to their machines all day, interacting almost completely through this virtual world. People are constantly tracked and updated on other idiot's past times. I miss … Continue Reading ››
Check out the track!
scene 1
Robot will have 4 arms and 4 legs
cosmic eyes
Aliens will be green creatures
background will be images lived traced of winterforest
vector tracing crystals for scene one
back ground is built with crystal sky and solid foreground
Robots will be mirrored left and right, and another sketch of the view … Continue Reading ››
I really miss my parents and being able to go to a warm home where someone will take care of me. I miss being able to sit on my couch with my cat and just watch tv and play video games to my heart’s desire. I miss the home cooked meals appearing in front of … Continue Reading ››
From Future Me:Dear 'Past Me',
Think of this as a safety blanket. Comforting words to keep in mind while you venture out into the world- and trust me. You will venture.
You will see the world, invest in it. You will make small change, effective change. You will retain your passion for your … Continue Reading ››
At 45 years old, I miss my youth. I miss being agile and young, and having the ability to be active and fit and young and attractive. I miss flirting with boys, and having abs, and doing crazy things like skinny dipping. I miss the excitement of getting ready with your girls to go out … Continue Reading ››
People walking, whistle, speed, noise, cars, buildings. I miss all the briskness of a city. I wish I could go back in time, sit in a modern apartment, play with any kind of electronic devices or latest technologies without needing any instruction manual. I miss … Continue Reading ››
Future looking back (as 50 year old): "I really miss...Or one thing I never miss...& why it's important to you.
As I am 50 years old now, something that I really miss looking back is being young. When I was in college and pursuing a future career, I had no idea where I was really going … Continue Reading ››
I miss a lot of things from my past, but I work toward creating similar memories with my family. I remember stumbling out of bed before school each day. I would sit at the same spot at our kitchen table and without fail, my mom would have a cup of tea waiting there for me. … Continue Reading ››
One thing I miss now is my clothes that I used to wear. These all weather skin suits are fine and all but I miss being able to decide what I want to wear.
Now that I look back on my life, I realize that there are many things that I do and do not miss from my childhood. The one thing that I miss the most is having the freedom to do what I wanted whenever I wanted. My childhood was very relaxing and it didn't really require … Continue Reading ››
One thing I really miss is spending summer vacations with my parents and brother. Looking back on my childhood, I was so fortunate to have two incredible parents. When I was just two years old, they put me on a plane and brought me with them to Italy and France to travel. They have also taken … Continue Reading ››