None of the parts are completely done yet.
The format has changed a bit. Instead of writing a children’s book style of one long story with pictures, I want to take advantage of more of iBooks’ features. Instead of having 20-25 images, I’m going to divide my story into 5 chapters (1 for each scene) and have at least 1 (probably 2 so I can show more parts) gif per chapter. The chapters are named after an important creature/ spirit creature of a character in that chapter. I have already added my intro media, which is a short Nat Geo clip on flying squirrels. I also plan on using the glossary to add a little more information. All of my chapters are glossary terms. The info for these will be a combination of my thoughts, how the animal relates to flying squirrels, and a bit about the spirituality of the animals. The iBooks file is to big so I’ve added a pdf instead.
<a href=””><img alt=”download ebook” src=”” width=”200″ height=”100″ /></a>
Your story seems like a good size for the class project–5 chapters with images.
The framing helps set up some motivation for the reincarnation. I’d like to see more allusion to Nuss’ human life–somehow this new squirrel life should give him another take on it. For example, running from the Owl is frightening but also exhilaration–his sense are turned on–SHOW this–and he can move swiftly. He’s connected to the forest smells, sights, etc–you show this with moonlight, but drop in more details like this. Then by the end of the chapter I should have a sense that Huss is finally learning one piece of what it’s like to really be alive. Also I’d like to see reminders–maybe just a piece of similar string–to the ranger he made for his dad–maybe a part of it appears in each chapter in a subtle way–not obvious to animal but visible to reader…
Each chapter could build on the details and the opening of the meaning of life. Each shows him some aspect of being alive that “civilized” humans have lost…
I’m also waiting for the other animals and for his dad to come on the scene–I thought you’d written part of that already.
Good material–you’ll need to put time and effort to get your chatter all written with some time for revision!!
Finally, you might want to keep a folder of all your images. It’s fairly simple to just copy/paste your pdf text into a post–and if you upload your folder of images, you should be able to insert images easily. That would give you an online version as a post. Alternatively, you can use this text in a post if you have a book image and also the URL for the book.pdf you upload to the Media Library.
Then use the code I added to your post–changing image size as needed and using Urls you get from wordpress after you upload your pdf and jpg or png.
The image will then link to the pdf.