Anthony Triglione Proposal


For about a year I have been developing a world in my head. The world is more complex than a stand alone story because it is actually three “origin” stories of sorts. The idea is that the world takes place in a variable multiverse, with the ending of the first two stories changing the history of the world so drastically that possible universe “ends” and another is created out of events that had not previously happened in the multiverse. The first world is an ancient  medieval setting, trapped in a large time. Certain events in the far past halted the ability of humans to greatly evolve, making their society both ancient but advanced at the same time. Since just this backstory is complicated enough, I want to create a book of lore that tells the story of this world, but as real tales and legends that the people of this world believe in. The stories will be varied, such as historical tellings, myths, and tall tales, containing morals and lessons for the people. A revered book, it’s something like a mixture of the Bible and the Constitution.



The catastrophic event that halts the cultural evolution of man is the killing of the gods they believe in, which causes the very earth itself to change. Legend has it the continents quickly reformed to form one supercontinent but the sea started to rise by large amounts. With no end in sight, the highest land is greatly sought after, as it is highly fertile and much more hospitable than anywhere else. Over time, this is where the great city is built, but there is first a long warring period over the land. It is told in a fairly accurate historical recounting of the event by a small group of farmers and shepherds who control the land everyone now wants.



The format for the real story is a graphic-novel format with a page of text and picture that goes together. I have a desire to create the artwork for this world but that is a long process, probably spanning years. I would love to continue using the iBook format because it allows for so much creativity. I would love to include some music or short animations to set the tone of each individual story. Depending on which story is told, the pages will be laid out differently, allowing lots of freedom for the collection.



The audience is around the young adult age. I don’t want to make it extremely childish because there are some themes I don’t think would be appropriate for them. The young adult crowd is the most interested in stories like these and when they are received well, it allows for older generations to share in on the experience.

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